The #1 online tutoring school in the world
1-on-1 private tutoring, whenever and wherever you want
Personalized learning plans for each student
Online tutoring for all possible subjects
Focused on results and transparency
The ideal tutor for every student
MyGenius pairs experienced tutors with students and makes sure there it is the right match. Thanks to our large network of screened tutors for each subject, there is a tutor for every student. Someone with the right knowledge and experience, someone who can help you work on a subject with more confidence. Our experienced tutors will continue helping you until you can do it without them.
Together we work toward your goals
Every student has their own goal with the online tutoring sessions. Do you want to improve your grade point average? Get better at a specific subject? Gain more self-confidence? Or get through certain subjects with less effort? Our tutors create a customized learning plan for each student. With us, you set your own goals and we work with you to achieve them at your own pace.
Online tutoring whenever and wherever you want it
Our online tutoring doesn't require you to leave your home. You also don't pay any travel expenses. You get tutoring through our advanced digital platform. Wherever you are, simply log in and access your personal digital environment. In there, you will have contact with your tutor, find your homework and find exactly what you are looking for. You also have the option to record the online tutoring session, share your screen or submit homework. This way you get the most out of the tutoring session.
Online overview on your progress
Our digital platform gives you everything you need in one place. Schedule a 1-on-1 tutoring session, watch recorded lessons and see your progress. Even if you have a question for the teacher, you can ask it via this platform. So a new lesson, a cancellation or rebooking a tutoring session is arranged in a few clicks.
Schedule your own online tutoring session at a time that suits you. Easily arranged through our digital platform.
Are you sick or is the planning inconvenient? Then you can reschedule your tutoring session online. This is free of charge if you inform us in time.
Tutoring can also continue when your tutor is ill. We always try to find a suitable substitute teacher.